Welcome to MZAB, an art house media platform producing short films, documentaries, animation + a quarterly anthropological publication. We explore adventure, culture and spirituality across the globe.

Latest from MZAB

The Human Story, Anna Tsing and Albert Camus: Radical Agency in a Time of Plague

Tamsin Omond in a book called ‘Do Earth: Healing Strategies for Humankind’ mentions a kind of healing yardstick – a way to live a life of meaning and purpose in our own estimation that is uniquely subjective and most likely not conflated with the accumulation that is a by-product of capitalism. Tamsin encourages the reader…

The Hijab as an Alien: Neil deGrasse Tyson, Sheikh Abdul Fattah and Expansive Horizons

The thing about horizons is that they are always subjective. Opening your front door will always give way to your immediate horizon, the squeal of playing children and the clamour or alternatively the silence of life in your neighbourhood- most intriguingly the curve of the sky meeting the earth. For the astronaut finding home inside…

Under the Belly of the Sea, a Victor is Born

Ink was my saviour I drank it by the gallon. It poured into me then engulfing all the writing that others had defined me by pages and pages surrounding my liver unwritten by gushing blackness down my throat it went strangely willing me to write my story to tell my truth. At daybreak we witness.…



Vanguard of Exploration: Farha Bi on the Road

“Up until this point, I had been physically and mentally preparing for cycling through the Caucuses in winter which reaches -30C so when I had to pick a new place to cycle, my brain was like, I want to go somewhere hot! And so, I decided to go South, towards the Sun. As I started to move, the plan came clearly into my mind that actually what I should be doing is cycling to South Africa. I quickly started making calculations, mapping out distances to be covered and determined I would get to South Africa in 18 months.”

Farha Bi

O To Live! To Build a Quiet Life: Deep Time, Eschatology and the Anthropocene

“To paraphrase Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, if we are on the brink of eternity should we not think deeply about our time here? To not think about time is to subvert the human intellect. To not think about death is to sabotage our time on this abode. And to quote Sheikh Ammar alShukry of AlMaghrib Institute, ‘so much of us has died already’. If we are earth, land grabs diminish our volume day by day until there is nothing left of us but death. To not realise we are being taken by degrees is like Shakespeare’s Gratiano, to request to play the fool despite overwhelming avenues to dignity. “

Soukeyna Osei-Bonsu


Between the Two Worlds

This is a story about an unnamed French / Senegalese-Ghanaian Muslim woman who at age 19 rediscovers her faith and tries to balance between the two worlds – the seemingly futile life she lives on earth and the spiritual world of the unseen realm she now believes in. The monodrama is avant garde and poetic- as strange as the new situation she finds herself in when newly trying to navigate between deen (the spiritual) and dunya (life on earth).

This is a story of her struggle to balance ‘between the two worlds’.


For arts collectives, galleries, exhibits, local cinemas, film clubs and other organisations- to screen the 7-minute debut short produced by MZAB Studios Ltd, get in touch at mzabteam@gmail.com

What we do


Independent film. We produce documentaries and shorts at the intersection of adventure, culture + spirituality.

MZAB Animation

Arthouse animation. From the strange to the spellbinding, we tell stories from the other side of conformity.